kc kids

Our Children's Ministry Coordinator is Matt Kingshott.  He has a wonderful team of teachers and volunteers that come and love on the kids and teach them about God's love every week.  All of the volunteers that work with your children have had background checks and child safety training done every two years.  The safety of your children is very important to us!


Our Nursery Director is Morgan Kingshott.  There are two sides to our Nursery, the Infant side (0-2 years) and the Toddler side (2-4 years).

Once you arrive, there is a check in system for each side of the Nursery.  You will sign your child in and they will be given a tag to wear that has their name and a number on it.  If you are needed during the Service, your number will appear on the big screen in the Sanctuary.   You will then proceed to the Nursery.


First Look is Sunday School for 2-4 year olds and meets during First Service (9:00 am).  The First Look teachers are Teresa Weber and Heather Patrick.  The First Look room is located straight across the Lobby, through the double doors, turn left and the door is straight ahead.  Once you arrive you will check your child in.  You will also need to check your child out before they are able to leave.

In First Look, you child will enjoy some free play, singing, story time, craft and a short video of the Bible lesson.  They get to pull out cushions to sit on while enjoying the video!


Dig In is Sunday School for K-5th grade and is offered during both Services.  It is held in the Children's Center straight across the Lobby, through the double doors.  Once you arrive you will need to check your child in.  You will also need to check your child out before they will be able to leave.

Matt Kingshott, Jane Collins, Brian Potter, Mary Geiger, Candace Spitzley and Megan Chase are the teachers for Dig In.  They will help teach your child to dig into the Bible!